5 第5课时 I'm ready for school!逐字稿 小学 · 一年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 上册

admin13922024-01-08 13:35:29


Hello, everyone. I'm your new teacher, Coco. Nice to meet you. Today we are going to learn Unit 1. I'm ready for school. Lesson 5. 同学们,在前几课的学习中,我们一起认识了学校,认识了老师和同学,知道了文具的英文名称,学会了如何介绍文具,还玩儿了好多好玩儿的游戏,给自己点个赞吧。本节课,我们将通过阅读绘本、认识清单,学习整理自己的物品。


before the class please get these things ready。


同学们,在上课之前请准备好以下物品, are you ready here we? We go first. Let's enjoy a song. Good morning. I am your teacher. Good morning. You are my student. Students, good morning. What's your name? My name is.


Jack. Please stand up. Please.


Sit down. Please stand up. Please sit down. Good morning. I am your teacher. Good morning. You are my student. Good morning. What's your name? I'm Mary. Wow, what a nice song. School is fun. We meet our teachers and friends under many school supplies. Are they? Let's review. Look. Do you know them? Try to say.


Pencil. Pencil. Case, book. School bag. Eraser.


Very good. Look. It's a sharpener. I have a sharpener. We can shut the pencil with it. Great. Now let'查看隐藏内容

《5 第5课时 I'm ready for school!逐字稿 小学 · 一年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 上册》.doc