2 Unit 1 Playtime Lesson2逐字稿 小学 · 二年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 下册

admin222024-01-08 13:33:38


hello boys and girls im miss fan teacher Christine welcome to our class hope, you enjoy and like it, today we are going to learn unit one listen to, please take out your book and get ready are you ready OK at the beginning of the class its time for a song, so boys and girls please stand up lets sing and move our body what can you do?


what can you do can you jump i can jump?


chop i can jump can you run? i can run i can run what can you do woo what you can you do can you swim? woo i can swim?


swim i can swim can you happen i can happen hop i can hop what can you down? one can you do。 Can you stop your feet? I can scroll. my stick STOMP。 Come, I can tell my feet. Can you turn around? I can turn around, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn. I can turn off. Brown. Let's do all six. Let's joke, jump and joke. Let's run and run and run and run and run. Let's swim and swim. Swim. Let's hop through. Let's stop, hobstop. Let's turn. A turn, return, turn, return. Let's jump, run, sw

《2 Unit 1 Playtime Lesson2逐字稿 小学 · 二年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 下册》.doc