14 Lesson 7 Time to Tidy_第1课时逐字稿 初中 · 七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册

admin172024-01-08 09:25:34


同学们大家好,我是来自北京景山学校远洋分校的叶韶瑞老师,很高兴今天能和大家一起来学习初一英语 unit three。


Lesson 7, time too tidy, Period one. First, please look at the picture. Which room are they in? Look at the first one. They are in the bedroom. Bedroom is a noun. It means wushi. Please read after me.


Bedroom, bedroom. And the second one, which room is he in? He is in the kitchen. Kitchen is a noun. It means Chufang. Read after me. Kitchen, kitchen. What about this one?


Which room are they in? Yes, they are in the living room. Living room is a noun. It means keting. Read after me. Leaving room, living room. And what about this one? Which room are they in?


Right. They are in the bathroom. Bathroom is unknown. It means yushi. Read after me. Bathroom, bathroom. Look at these photos and the keywords. Let's see together.


Bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom. Then let's read the keywords about rooms. Bathroom, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, living room. I have a question here. Which room in the keywords

《14 Lesson 7 Time to Tidy_第1课时逐字稿 初中 · 七年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 上册》.doc