14 Lesson 11 The Amazing Shenzhou_第1课时逐字稿 初中 · 九年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 全一册

admin172024-01-08 09:23:18


同学们好,我是来自首都师范大学附属苹果园中学分校的胡柳老师。很高兴今天和大家一起学习北师大版初三英语全一册第四单元 lesson Eleven the amazing 神州的第一课时, first ID like you to think about a question what do you know about a space program?


do you know the meaning of a space program?


it means 航天项目 please read after me space program。 Space program. When we talk about a space program, what can you think of? Maybe you will think of some great astronauts or, yes, the space station. Astronauts and scientists can live and work for a long time there. Look, what's this? It's a satellite. Ren Zhaowei. Please read after me. Satellite. Satellite. It can help people do a lot of things. What else can you think of? Yes, spacecraft. What's happening in the picture? The spacecraft was launched and the launch of the spacecraft was successful. Launch is both a noun and a verb.


as a verb it means 发射,发起 as a non it means 航天器的发射。


So in the sentence, the first launch is a verb and the second one is a noun. Can you understand the meaning of this sente

《14 Lesson 11 The Amazing Shenzhou_第1课时逐字稿 初中 · 九年级 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 全一册》.doc