25 Module 9 Review逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 外研社版(三年级起点)(主编:陈琳) · 上册

admin92024-01-05 23:22:37


Hello boys and girls, welcome to the English world. Today we are going to review the Unit 1 and Unit 2. During this lesson, I hope you can recall more information in Unit 1 and Unit 2 and you can finish the tasks in Part 6 and Part 7 in Unit 2. Alright, I think we have a happy time in module nine because we traveled with Simon, Damon, Amy's family and this lovely bird, right? I like traveling like a bird. What about you? I think, yes, right. So in this lesson, let's travel like a bird in the world of Module Nan. Here we go. Let's travel like a bird in this lesson. Where are we now?


We are near the UN building.


What can you see here?


We can see the UN building. Many flags and the present from China.


Wonderful. Now let's visit the UN building with dumming together. I have an idea. First, let's read in a row. S domain. Here we go. Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? Yes, we do.


Look at all the flags. There are flags from all around the world.



《25 Module 9 Review逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 外研社版(三年级起点)(主编:陈琳) · 上册》.doc