14 Lesson 5 What does he like?(2)逐字稿 小学 · 五年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册

admin172024-01-05 22:55:43


Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to my English class. Today we are going to learn lesson 5. What does he like? Period two. Look here. You can know what we're going to learn.


同学们,本课我们继续学习本单元的语法句型,一起来看一下学习目标有哪些?语言能力,在情境中理解 what 引导的关于 like 的特殊疑问句的结构,并交流文化意识。能欣赏英语歌曲并从中获取信息。交流并尊重彼此的兴趣爱好。思维品质,能提炼概括对话的关键信息,适当表达自己的观点。学习能力,乐于参与多样的课堂活动,遇到问题时积极请教,不畏困难。 Get ready. Let's begin our class with a song. Do you like music? Watch the video and sing along.


Do you like music?


Do you like music? yes i do i like。 It very much. Does he like music? no he doesnt like it at home。


Do you like sport? Yes, we do. We like them very much. Do they like sport? no they dont like them at home。


All right, please answer my questions. Do you like music? Yes, I do. How about this boy? Does he like music? No, he doesn't. Do you like sports? Yes, we do. And do they like sports? No, they don't. Wonderful. You can understand the song very well this time. Listen and sing the song again.


Do you like music? A

《14 Lesson 5 What does he like?(2)逐字稿 小学 · 五年级 · 英语 · 科普版(三年级起点) · 上册》.doc