31 Unit3 Lesson1逐字稿 小学 · 五年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 下册

admin202024-01-08 13:28:38


Hello boys and girls im mixue welcome to my English class before the class, please prepare your English book a pen and a notebook are you ready lets begin today, we will learn unit three making contact and we will learn lesson one ways of making contact in this lesson, we will learn eight different contact ways and how to use i would like to express our choice of contact ways are you clear, lets begin first lets sing a song together.


Hi Mary speaking, i wanna talk to you wanna talk to me, we can communicate quite frequently well get in touch with each other and a whole lot of communication is a way to go, dont you know communication is a way to go will you can call me you can text me. you can text me you can email me you can email me or you can write me a letter we can talk to each。 Other face to face or I could simply come around and see you at your place. Communication is the way to, so don't, you know, communication is the way to go.


So what did you hear in this song? Ye

《31 Unit3 Lesson1逐字稿 小学 · 五年级 · 英语 · 人教版(一年级起点)(主编:吴欣) · 下册》.doc