12 UNIT FOUR HOW MANY STARS CAN YOU SEE(1)逐字稿 小学 · 一年级 · 英语 · 北京版一年级起点 · 下册

admin172024-01-08 09:32:46


hello everyone welcome to English class today well, learn unit four how many stars can you see? okay boys and girls shall we sing a song first lets go, apples how many apples? one apple two apples three apples three apples wow look bananas how many bananas? one bananas two bananas three bananas three bananas wow oranges how many oranges one orange? two oranges three oranges three oranges wow do you like the song? good how many apples can you sit here?




thats right we can see three apples and look here i have some apples too can you see? them how many apples can you see lets count?


玩。 2,3, for 5. So you can see five apples, right? And how many apples do I have? 5. Sorry, I forgot one apple here. So how many apples do I have? Good. I have 6 apples. So in this class, we'll talk about counting the things we have. And we see. 同学们在我们的生活中有各种各样的物品,今天就让我们一起数一数我们所拥有和看到的物品。


And our friends will come with us, too. Look who comes first. Yes, they are lining and

《12 UNIT FOUR HOW MANY STARS CAN YOU SEE(1)逐字稿 小学 · 一年级 · 英语 · 北京版一年级起点 · 下册》.doc