1 UNIT ONE GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN(1)逐字稿 小学 · 一年级 · 英语 · 北京版一年级起点 · 下册

admin102024-01-08 09:32:45


And Sala, and nice to see you again. Nice to see you too. Is Peppa Pig? This is Susie. Nice to see you again. Nice to see.


Nice to see you again. Mickey, nice to see you again. Mini, nice to see you again. Goofy, nice to see you again. Everyone, welcome to Natalie's class. Today we're going to talk about Unit 1. Glad to see you again. Today, a lot of friends meet each other again. So we will talk about meeting each other. And look who meets together. Yes, they are Mao and Lingling. But where are they? Maybe at school. Why? Oh, Mao has a bag. Lingling has a bag, too. Maybe they're at school. So this time, let's listen and watch the dialogue to find out where they are. Let's go. Hi, linlin. Glad to see you again.


Hi, Mao. Glad to see you too. Nice to see you again. Boys and girls, nice to see you too. Miss Wang. So where are they? Yes, we're right. They are at school. So today, Ling Ling Mao, Yang Yang and Miss Wan, they meet each other again at school. But everyone, what sho

《1 UNIT ONE GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN(1)逐字稿 小学 · 一年级 · 英语 · 北京版一年级起点 · 下册》.doc