9 Unit 4 Information Technology(9)逐字稿 高中 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 必修 第二册

admin182024-01-08 09:22:22


Hello everyone, I'm Liu Yanming from Beijing Chaoyang Foreign Language School. Today we're going to learn the Reading Club in Unit 4, Information Technology. There are 2 articles in this reading club, digitizing ancient art and variable technology. Let's look at the first article, digitizing ancient art. Digitizing is the ing firm of the verb digitize. Does this word look familiar? Right?


In our previous lessons we Learned is adjective form digital. They have the same route digit, which means any of the numbers from 0 to nine. Digitize means to change data into a digital form that can be easily read and processed by a computer. And the non form is digitization. Are you clear? Good.


From the title, we can see that the author is going to talk about changing the ancient artworks into a digital form so that people can read and process it easily by a computer.


Sounds really interesting, right? Do you know any ancient artwork? Let's play a guessing game. Please try to figure

《9 Unit 4 Information Technology(9)逐字稿 高中 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 必修 第二册》.doc