5 Unit 4 Information Technology(5)逐字稿 高中 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 必修 第二册

admin152024-01-08 09:22:20


Nice to see you, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ma Feng Bo. You can simply call my English name Leo. I'm from Beijing Chaoyang Foreign Language School and I'm so delighted to enjoy today's lesson with you all.


We are going to keep learning Unit 4, Information Technology. Different from previous lessons, we will be talking about the connection between internet and friendships. After reading, you will be able to find out the topic, sentence and supporting details of each paragraph, and have your own opinion toward the relationship between the internet and friendships.


Nowadays, as you can see around you, the internet is very important and it has great impact on different aspects of our life, such as shopping, traveling, connecting with friends and even food we eat. We can buy things, book hotel rooms, meet new people and older food simply by our smartphone apps.


But since everything has two sides, have you ever thought about this question? Do you think internet helps or

《5 Unit 4 Information Technology(5)逐字稿 高中 · 英语 · 北师大版 · 必修 第二册》.doc