13 Module 5 Review逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 外研社版(三年级起点)(主编:陈琳) · 上册

admin142024-01-05 23:22:32


Hello boys and girls. Welcome back to the English class. Today we are going to have a review about module 5. First, let's think about a question. What have we Learned in this module? Yes, the main topic of this module is making pan France. We know how to talk about abilities and hobbies. We can use icon to express abilities. For example, I can speak some English. We can use I like or I love to express hobbies. Just like I like football, reading, swimming and singing songs.


Second, we know how to make requests. We use can you can you be my Chinese pen friend? Yes, of course. This is my address in China. We also learn how to express intentions and wills by using I want, I want a pen friend. We can write in English and Chinese. I want a pen friend we can write in French. Of course, we also learn to write letters to make pen friends. How do we use these expressions? Where can we make preference? Firstly, we can have many offline activities such as traveling, joining school clubs or

《13 Module 5 Review逐字稿 小学 · 六年级 · 英语 · 外研社版(三年级起点)(主编:陈琳) · 上册》.doc