23 Unit 12 Peter can jump high Lesson 1逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册

admin132024-01-05 23:21:29


Hello, boys and girls. I am your old friend, Miss Tang. Glad to see you again. Are you ready for the class? Here we go. First, let's enjoy a song.


Yes, I have a path. This is my merit. Do you know what my parent can do? No. 9,9,9. Yes.


I have a pet.


This is chameleon. Do you know what my command can do? No.


Do you have a pet? Yes, I have a pet. This is my hamster. Do you know what my hamster can do? No.


It's very funny, right? What's the song about? Yes, it's about pets. Do you have a pet? Our friends Kate and Tim both have a pet. What? Are there pets? Please look and guess. Oh, Tim has a pet Dinosaur. It's our friend Dino. What does he look like? What color is he? Yes, he is green and he has Red Wings. And Kate has a pet bird. It's a parrot. What does he look like? Yes, he is red, yellow and blue. He is beautiful. These are their pets. What can the pets do? First, let's look at the bird. What can he do? Oh, fly. Yes, of course. Talk. Very good guessing. So you

《23 Unit 12 Peter can jump high Lesson 1逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册》.doc