13 Unit 7 Whose is this? Lesson 1逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册

admin142024-01-05 23:21:25


Hello everyone. Today we will learn Unit 7. Whose is this? Look at this picture. Who can you see? Yes, we can see Miss Lee. Where is she? She is at school and she is on the playground. Miss Lee picks up something. What does she pick? Wallet. Wallet. W says what? A says up. L, E, t lit. Wallet. Wallet. This is a wallet. Miss Lee picks up a wallet. Look, she has a question. What's her question? Let's listen.


Whose is this?


Who's Cool? Z. Whose is this? Whose is this? This is whose. And this is who. They are different. And this is a question. So we should read it. In a rising time, boys and girls, let's read again. Whose is this? But I have a question. Listen. Is this your wallet, boys and girls? No, it isn't. It's not my wallet. Miss Lee doesn't know whose wallet is. Please read these pictures.


Who does Miss Limit? The first one is Lingling. Who is this girl? She is Jan. Jan, whose wallet is this? Is this chance wallet or Linlin's wallet? Let's read the dialogue together.

《13 Unit 7 Whose is this? Lesson 1逐字稿 小学 · 四年级 · 英语 · 湘少版三年级起点 · 上册》.doc